Off-campus dining program
Expand your college dining program with off-campus flex so students can order on and off campus.
With off-campus flex, you can do it all
Offer more variety
Allow your students to order from tons of local restaurants.
Add a revenue stream
Generate additional revenue by receiving a commission on each off-campus order.
Increase deposits
Get students excited about adding more funds to their Flex account by creating a more enticing meal plan.
Capture student orders anywhere
Capture student orders with your off-campus dining program.
Integrate with campus card providers
Make it easy to facilitate mobile ordering and delivering off campus with Transact, CBORD, Atrium and TouchNet.
How it works

Partner with Grubhub to allow your campus “flex” tender to be used at our 300,000 restaurants across the country.

Work with a dedicated account manager to get marketing materials that’ll help increase adoption on and off campus.

Your campus will receive commissions on the increased sales from off-campus transactions, regardless of where the transactions take place.
See what we can do for you

“The ability to open the Grubhub app and order what they want using their PacificCash brings a lot of convenience to the student and a reach the off-campus program has been missing.”
Matt Camino
eCommerce Director, University of the Pacific